NOTES 2 0 0 8
21 December 08
it's quite sad.. when you come back home and you see your door opened... some thief came into your home and not only stole your money, watches, etc etc.. but also threw your clothes and your stuff on the floor and everywhere.. your drawers have been pulled out and everything is upside down..
it's not a nice picture... not a good feeling... fuck them...!
1 November 2008
yesterday night was very good... a perfect mix between acoustic music and tasting wines...
19 October 08
I played @ Hobby One yesterday night..
It was nice.. and I played with the "In Punta di Piedi" dancers..
5 girls. danced to my songs.. while I was playing live..
it was very good.. and the very first time..
we'll do it again.. it's a great show..
21 September 08
I have my little museum...
a white wonderful 500 fiat (from 1969..) and an orange shining Vespa 50 Special (from 1972..)..
these are 2 fundamental Italian miracles..
Over the years, I have always thought about buying them... I'm happy now.. and I'm very proud to be Italian..
06 September 08
while I was DJing.. at the end of a private party I put on "Love Is"..
and after a minute.. the host came up to me and asked me.."who is this song by..?"
and I said.."it's my song.."..
and I gave my cds to her.. it was her birthday...
it was a nice comment..
31 August 08
oggi mentre stavo suonando ai Buskers di Ferrara (giornata conclusiva).. è successa una cosa molto particolare..
delle persone che stavano ascoltando le mie canzoni.. ad un certo punto, mi hanno chiesto dove avessi messo la custodia della chitarra.. per potermi dare le varie offerte..
ho spiegato loro, che non ero solito suonare per strada e che mi imbarazzava porre la custodia per le offerte....
allora loro hanno preso la custodia della mia chitarra.. l’hanno disposta per terra.. hanno preso i cd e li hanno messi in bella vista nella custodia.. ed addirittura mi hanno chiesto i biglietti da visita, che hanno posizionato in vista.. mi hanno chiesto a quanto vendessi i cd.. e quando gli ho risposto.. offerta libera.. hanno addirittura scritto un biglietto in cui si diceva, per i cd, offerta libera..
non ci credevo.. ho continuato a cantare diverse canzoni per loro..
in giro di 20 minuti, un sacco di persone hanno preso i cd e hanno fatto la loro offerta nella custodia della chitarra..
wow..! continuo sempre a sorprendermi di come certe situazioni possono cambiare senza che tu te lo aspetti.. e alle volte certe persone sono dei propri e veri angeli.. che piombano all’improvviso.. e ti aiutano senza che te lo aspetti..
30 August 08
Today I played my 117th gig.. @ Buskers in Ferrara..
when I was coming home I was thinking that I’d like to define myself, not like a musician, but a person who shares emotions with others..
accidenti al fuso orario.. non riesco a dormire...!
29 August 08
I would like to say thank you to Air France.. at Charles De Gaulle.. they made me miss my flight to Bologna this morning.. because they had a security check point with only 6 people working, for 5 Terminal (A, B, C, D, F)... I mean for hundreds and hundreds of people.. very good job.. very good organisation.. I can understand that something wrong can happen sometimes.. yes, sure. but not if this is how its run.. its not right for passengers, who are tired from an incoming flight.. they usually miss their connecting flights.. and then..people say bad things about Alitalia.. at least, they could think about themselves first...
26 August 08
playing open mic every night...
listening to many new talented souls...
waiting for my turn..
thinking when I’ll finally play my first real concert with a big audience..
day by day.. night by night..
place by place.. song by song...
I’m in Toronto...
25 August 08
for the first time in my life.. I tried busking at Union station on front street in Toronto.. this afternoon..
I played for one hour.. and I made the incredible amount of 1 dollar.. wow..!
I think I can do better.. but it was a little bit strange.. I'm not sure i will do it again..
14 August 08
..I'm walking in Toronto...
..when you walk.. you think...
..and I'm still walking with my guitar, looking for gigs..
4 August 08
I'm in Canada now.. in Toronto..
it's colder here.. but shining like my girlfriend..
today, its a holiday here, I am going to play my first Canadian gig.. I feel good about it...
it's strange that usually I wake up as late as I can.. but now it's 8:00 am.. only cause of the time zone..
17 July 08
Finally.. I’ve found some partners...!
thanks to them I've produced my cds again... I sang the songs again on my Eps and we fixed the levels of the music and the voice better .. so now they sound much better... (I hope...)
I'm going to have the new cds in a few days.. and in the next few shows I’m going to give them out for free...
..In these next few days..my band and I have been playing and trying to fix some live arrangements on the songs..
I’m excited about August and Canada.. I’m going to play some shows in Toronto.. and I’ll partner with Chin Radio for a bit..
so.. it’s hot here now.. and I’m fine...!
step by step... I’ll do it...!
10 Maggio 08
si procede..
è un periodo che suono molto.. e mi fa piacere...
ho venduto diversi cd nei live... una quarantina... step by step..
messaggerie digitali ha fatto 2 suonerie dalle mie canzoni.. (love is e il tuo nme nelle parole..)
sto provando con diversi musicisti.. spero proprio di riuscire entro breve di strutturare una band flessibile.. Tommy, Alessandro, Andrea, Carmine, Enrico, Giacomo, etc..
ho scritto nuove canzoni.. "Un giorno Vorrei" e "Pride never dies"..
si migliora.. sia con la voce.. sia con la chitarra...
buona notte...!
14 March 08
in the last few days...
I sold my first cd on line.. on yourindiecd ..wow...!
I played in Paris.. @ The Beavers.. on the little island on the Senna river.. it was very nice.. and Paris is always Paris..
I'm setting up my band.. I started to play with Carmine Allegretti who is a very good guitarist.. and in the next few weeks.. I'm going to add other guys.. bassist, percussions, etc...
in Bologna I'm organizing some acoustic parties.. and also I'm building some new channels to sell my cds.. for example in the newsstands (thank you magic Barbara...! in Calzavecchio street in Casalecchio (Bo)....)
..I'm writing new songs.. and I'm improving in general..
I see you soon...
3 febbraio 08
ieri sera ho presentato i miei ep.. è stato forte.. ho suonato per la prima volta con una band di 5 musicisti..!
se vuoi sentire che cosa abbiamo fatto.. basta che vai alla pagina "Live Memories..2008"
ora dovrò sbattermi per promuovere i dischi..
sono contento di suonare 4 volte a Londra in Maggio e a Parigi a Marzo..
mi alleno tutti i giorni.. e mi sembra di migliorare.. vediamo..
sono certo.. ho bisogno di aiuto per riuscire a sviluppare questo progetto come si deve..
3 gennaio 2008
Ehi... ho suonato per la prima volta in Inghilterra.. wow...!
il locale, "The Half Moon" in Bishop’s Stortford Herts, vicino a Londra, era veramente fantastico.. piccolo, ma perfetto per un live acustico..
possiamo dire che ero un pò emozionato.. devo ringraziare Annie e Keef per quanto sono stati gentili con me.. le foto, il live della performance.. veramente organizzati...
ora sono in albergo.. e sto già pensando al live di domani..
ps: oggi ho guidato per la prima volta a Londra.. è veramente pericoloso guidare qui.. cavolo, guidano dall'altra parte.. è da pazzi...! e i cartelli.. impossibile vederli..
January 3 2008
It was very nice.. I played for the first time in UK...
I was very excited about it.. I performed @ "The Half Moon" in Bishop’s Stortford Herts..
I have to mention how much Annie and Keef were kind and welcoming with me..
The place was very good.. little, but amazing for an acoustic gig...
now I'm back at the Hotel.. and I'm already thinking about tomorrow's gig..
Ps: today was the first day that I drove in the UK.. it's so different compared to Italy.. the English drive on the left.. it's crazy... and how can they see the signs..? it's impossible..